AIRSCREAM UK supports Ukrainian relief efforts with $20,000 donation and special edition of AirsPops Pro Peace Blue

AIRSCREAM UK supports Ukrainian relief efforts with $20,000 donation and special edition of AirsPops Pro Peace Blue

AIRSCREAM UK supports Ukrainian relief efforts with $20,000 donation and special edition of AirsPops Pro Peace Blue

AIRSCREAM UK is greatly troubled by the situation in Ukraine, and the effects on the citizenry physically and psychologically. Civilians are displaced from familiar homes while families are torn apart. Even those fortunate enough to escape the conflict zone face lingering emotional trauma that can remain for life. Displaced refugees face an uncertain future, even as they seek to eke out a day to day existence.

As a concerned global citizen, AIRSCREAM UK has embarked on an initiative to help civilians affected by the crisis in Ukraine. In solidarity with the people of Ukraine, we have released a special edition Peace Blue AirsPops Pro as part of a fundraising campaign with our Ukrainian distributor.

AIRSCREAM UK will also donate $20,000 in support of CHARITY FOUNDATION SERGIY PRYTULA. We hope this modest amount can support various relief and humanitarian activities and alleviate the hardships faced by the Ukrainian people, who remain some of AIRSCREAM UK’s most loyal supporters today despite their everyday struggles.

Over the years, AIRSCREAM UK has built up a sizable following across the globe by users who trust in us to help them quit smoking. We hope this initiative can inspire others while building a community that cares and uplifts those in need, no matter who or where they are.